Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nov/Dec - What I Read

I didn't read much these last two months, so I thought I would just make one post for them. :)
There are links to Good Reads so you can learn more about the books and see reviews!

I don't think I've ever read a book quite like this.... but I finished it in a few days. Bitter Melon is about Frances, a Chinease-American high school student that lives in San Francisco. Her mother is forever telling her that she must be obedient to her and get straight A's, go to a certain college and become a doctor. There is no time for fun. Her mother seems almost insane the way she tries to control everything that Frances does. One day, Frances starts to question this way of life and she starts to consider her own feelings. I really enjoyed the book and it was a great, quick read for me. :)

I haven't touched a new vampire story in a while. I don't think it's everyone's cup of tea though, but I quite liked this one and it didn't end at all like I thought. Bloodline is set up as journal entries. The main characters are John Shaw, who is a young Lieutenant in World War I and Mary Seward, the young nurse who cares for him when he is brought into the hospital. So as the story begins, John is having terrible nightmares about his commander (Quincey Harker) that are gruesome and seem impossible. He blames them on "trench fever". Sure, the man is fierce, a bit cruel and a little strange... but... a blood sucking demon? Eh? Soon, Harker comes to town in hopes to woo John's younger sister, Lily. That's when John realizes he needs to face the facts and try to figure out what is really going on. As the story unfolds, John discovers that Harker is trying to preserve Dracula's bloodline... uh oh! So John and Mary go off in hopes to stop Harker from marrying Lily and preserving the bloodline. There's many more little twists in there... some that surprisingly caught me off guard. lol I'll admit that some parts were a tiny bit cheesy, but I don't mind. I love a bit of history and a dash of blood sucking demons.

This book is by psychoacoustic expert Joshua Leeds and veterinary neurologist Susan Wagner. The idea that sound effects us isn't new by any means, but this book is meant to show that sound can be turned into a tool to overcome separation anxiety, thunderstorm panic, and other behavior challenges in dogs. It even comes with a CD with the music they talk about throughout the book. They have a website where you can find other books for more specific challenges and even one for cats! There are also free, short music downloads. The books talks about the research they've done and personal experiences where they have used certain music to improve the lives of animals. They say surrounding your canine with great sounds can help them live longer, happier and healthier lives. I play the music to wind the dogs down and to help soothe my very anxious cat. They all scoot closer to the sounds and usually fall asleep. So peaceful.

As this one is in a series, it's harder to talk about. You'd have to read the first two books in the Caster Chronicles, which are Beautiful Creatures and Beautiful Darkness! :) I actually picked this one up months ago, got into the first few chapters, became bored and put it down. After I picked it up again, I got through it much easier. It is a bit slow at some points, a little warning there. I've been in love with Ethan Wate since the beginning. He is a sweet little southern gentleman with a bit of sass. Lots of characters in this book. Lots of them from the previous books, but you get to know them much better. I liked that about this book. The end of this book kind of broke my little heart, but I have hopes that it will be coddled and bandaged in the next. I had a feeling what came was coming, but it still hurt nonetheless. lol

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